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How to solve the problem of particle agglomeration

How to solve the problem of particle agglomeration?  Especially the agglomeration of nanomaterials after drying?  This question is often asked by my friends.  Agglomeration and dispersion are the opposite behaviors of particles (especially fine and ultrafine particles) in the medium.  In the gas phase or liquid phase, the particles formed polymerization state due to the interaction force is called agglomeration;  The state in which the particles can move freely without cohering with each other is called dispersion.  In real production, the liquid phase in the nano powder after drying, easy to reunite into micron grade, mm line pseudo particles, even at this time, with airflow pulverization classification equipment is the best way to dry depolymerization, here is a client of my company, nano powder before and after depolymerization comparison path diagram (before depolymerization, the 1, 3, 2, 4 for the depolymerization),  Those who have similar problems can contact me to discuss.

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Post time: Jul-27-2017